Curriculum Night
Thank you again to everyone who joined us for Curriculum Night. We are going to have a GREAT school year! As always, please let us know if you have any questions. We hope everyone enjoys the nice three day weekend!
Recorders are Awesome
The day has come that second graders have been waiting for…the day we began to play recorders! Second grade LOVED learning about their recorders with Mr. Noodle. Students have already learned four notes (A,B,G,F), practiced reading music, and listened to each other to play all together. We love seeing how happy students are to challenge themselves and learn a new skill. Many of our second graders have asked to take their recorders home, but we are asking that everyone leaves them at school to eliminate the risk of forgetting or misplacing them.
As second graders have gotten back into the swing of school’s routines they have taken on new responsibilities! Each week, students help take care of our environment both inside and outside. We, as teachers, believe that this is their classroom and therefore their responsibility to keep it clean and tidy. Students rotate responsibilities of caring for our class pet, cleaning tables, sharpening pencils, organizing our library and materials, watering our class plants and outdoor garden, and much more. Students also help take care of our community spaces such as the silent zone and playground. Feeling responsibility for our spaces helps students be more mindful about how we use them.
Reading Tones
We love reading! This week we challenged our readers to identify what tone to use while reading their book. A happy book should be read in a happy tone, a dramatic book should be read in a dramatic tone, a sad book in a sad tone, etc. Once readers were able to identify the best tone for their book we shared by reading in groups. Many second graders found that their book used more than one voice when reading! Ask your child to read to you using a tone of voice to match their book.
Important Dates:
- September 2nd- No School (Labor Day)
- Family Fun Night with Charleston Battery -Saturday, Sept. 7 (6:00 – 9:00)
- Parent Coffee – Friday, Sept. 13th (8:15-9:00)