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Short & Sweet Week

Pumpkin Patch
Kindergarteners were so excited to load up the bus and head over to Boone Hall Plantation for our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Students were excited to show off all that they know about a pumpkin’s life cycle to Boone Hall staff, got a peek at some of the bees that pollinate the pumpkins, caught a ride on a Haunted Hayride, visited a petting zoo, and even picked a pumpkin of their own! We are so proud of our little pumpkins!

CVC Word-Solvers
This week Kindergarteners spent time sharpening their understanding of CVC pattern words. These bright scholars know that CVC words are words made up of a consonant, vowel and consonant. These words always have a vowel in the middle of two friendly consonants. Kindergarteners spent time practicing reading and spelling words using letter sounds that we know! Kindergarten readers know that when we read words, we look at every letter, say each sound, then blend the sounds together to read the word. When we spell words, first we say the whole word, next we say each sound we hear in the word, and then we write a letter for each sound! These smart cookies have grown so much!

Important Dates:
October 22nd – Picture Day
October 24th – Dock Street Theatre Field Trip
October 28th: LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation (5:30 pm)
October 30th: Pumpkin Presentation (2:00 pm)
October 31st – Halloween Carnival (11:30 am Dismissal)
November 1st – Teacher Work Day (No School)

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Ryan Pixler