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Slow Down!

As I’m feeling full of gratitude (and food, and pie) after a much needed Thanksgiving Break, I’m reflecting on how much we all, including our students, can sometimes take these special times for granted. The older I get, the more I have to make a big effort to slow down and cherish the time I have with friends and family. So, with the next 3 weeks including busy schedules, calendars that look overwhelmingly full, quizzes, tests, and projects, I want to challenge all of us to SLOW DOWN!!! Enjoy the little moments with our friends, take a couple of deep breaths, and cherish all of the special moments this season brings.





This week, we took a quiz over long division and applied both long division and multi-digit multiplication to real life scenarios to help us prepare for our test that we will take on December 11th. The test will cover both multiplication and division!



5th grade writers worked hard to edit their personal stories this week and participate in peer reviews with writing partners. We closely examined our writing rubric and made sure to find new ways to elevate our pieces before reaching a final draft. 5th grade also started our vocabulary study – they’ll have a test next week on 12/11.


Next week, 5th grade will be publishing and sharing their stories with the class. Be sure to begin preparing for next Wednesday’s test now!


Social Studies:

Fifth grade had an excellent week learning about the geography of North America. They are preparing themselves for their upcoming test on Tuesday. The study guide was given to them this Tuesday and has been completed in class. Before break, we will be doing a unit on Latin American geography, which is another project on countries and their cultural backgrounds.



Fifth graders considered what makes a living thing ‘living’ by sorting through different objects. They started to think about the interdependence between species in our local ecosystems. The fifth graders also learned about keystone species this week. They contemplated how sharks are a vital part of the coral reef ecosystem and saw how the removal of them can kill the coral. Next week, they will continue to learn more about the living things we have here on planet earth.


Important Dates:

December 20 – Holiday Extravaganza & PJ Day (½ Day – 11:30 Dismissal)

December 21-January 6 – Winter Break (return on Tuesday, January 7)