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Spooky Season!

This past week, the TCS Middle Schoolers began planning for our beloved Halloween Carnival! 5th graders started arranging and delegating decoration plans, 6th and 7th graders chose and started designing their booths, and 8th grade set out to draft plans for their signature haunted maze. Growing up in the midwest, Halloween wasn’t as widely appreciated as it is here in Charleston – and so it’s fascinating to me to see how much this community appreciates and celebrates this eerie holiday. 

I want to encourage our students to approach their lives in the same way they have approached this spooky season – tackling the scary things. Whether it’s a test, an application for high school, a big game, or even a chore they don’t love, my wish is that they’ll take ownership of, plan for, and execute these tasks in the same way they’ve dived into their tasks for this Halloween Carnival. Spooky season is a time to honor our bravery, fearlessness, and determination!



This week, we took our test to wrap up our second unit and began our unit on linear equations and expressions. During our short week next week, we’ll kick off this unit by creating tables for linear relationships and using them to make a graph.


7th grade readers finished The Call of the Wild this week and finished building their conflict trading card decks. We played a simple game of “who would win” pitting our cards against one another as we compared their strengths and weaknesses! 7th grade had their first vocabulary test, as well.

Next week, readers will transition into a writing unit where they will choose a literary genre to compose a “companion book” for – within this book they will include an essay on the genre, graphics, fan fiction, and glossaries! 7th grade will also transition back to two weeks of grammar study with a test on 10/24. 

Social Studies:

Seventh grade has continued to learn about latin and south American culture groups and their impact on their societies today. We finished up the Mayan and Incan empires and we have enjoyed learning about their origin stories and their amazing cultures. We will finish up with the Spanish colonization and the decline of these civilizations. Their next test will be on Friday, the 17th. 


This week, seventh graders contemplated whether water could have been on Mars at some point. They looked at various pieces of evidence to decipher if landscapes on Mars were created by lava or water. They modeled water erosion using a sandtable to observe the geological process that occurs when water flows downstream. The seventh graders also continued to work on their Astronomy Ted Talks. They will be ready to present their work after fall break. Look out for an email about the presentation date!

Important Dates:

October 14 & 15: Fall Break- No School 

October 28: LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation (5:30)

October 31: Halloween Carnival (11:30 Dismissal)

November 1: Teacher Work Day (No Students)

November 11&12: Parent Teacher Conferences

November 22: Harvest Feast

November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break

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Allison Gold