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Striving for a Great School Year

Striving for a Great School Year

As we progress into the school year, it is easy to get overwhelmed and forget the essentials for success! At the beginning of the school year, we were sure to keep organized and follow routines, however, as we move on with content and the students are being challenged in the classroom, it is easy to forget all the skills that we mastered at the beginning of the year to ensure success all year long. Let’s remember some of the skills we have learned so far: 
Agenda: Are you using your agenda to keep track of assignments and assessments in each of your classes? Using the agenda as a way to recall the information taught is also a good idea! For classes that do not give homework, it is a good idea to add a bullet point explanation of the topic for the day in placement for the homework! 
Lockers: Are you using the locker to best benefit you? Carrying all of your materials to each of the classes can be heavy and cause stress! Be sure to break down your materials and utilize your lockers. Students should take all materials that they will need for their first two classes with them before break, and materials for their second two classes after break! 
Binders: Be sure you are using the binder to help keep you organized! The binder is separated by subject in order to keep you organized for each of your classes. A binder was selected by the middle school teachers to help limit the amount of paper being pushed into the bottom of backpacks, and instead have a singular place to neatly store papers from all of your classes. 
Personal Time: Be sure not to let the workload take up the entirety of your time. Pace yourself and allow yourself some “you” time! If you are starting to feel anxious or stressed over an assignment, take a mental break! Mental health is important when succeeding in academics.

Let’s continue to strive for a great school year throughout the rest of September and the months to come! 

-Kevin Werner

Here’s a look at what is happening in each of the classes:

What’s happening in Science?
Sixth graders explored density this week! They were given the challenge to layer liquids with different salinities and to then calculate the density to mathematically correlate their evidence. They also looked at how the density of water and air changes with temperature! They observed a convection chamber to witness how hot air rises and cold air descends, creating a convection current. They considered how this phenomenon is witnessed in nature and how it impacts our weather patterns. Next week, they will learn about other ways that energy transfers.

What’s up in ELA?

6th graders workshopped and assessed their ability to write a short-form writing response using evidence from their novel study of Roald Dahl’s Boy. We did further research into the legacy of Roald Dahl and his works, as well. Thoughtful discussions were had around an artist’s personal flaws and our attitudes towards their work. We also reviewed prepositions to solidify our understanding of this concept.

Next week, we’ll begin our first writing unit around personal narrative! We’ll work on ideation from multiple sources–like memories of a place or important relationships. They’ll work hard to generate specific and focused points of view in their narration. 6th grade will also begin their first vocabulary unit– be on the lookout for new Vocabulary Workshop workbooks and weekly Friday assessments. 

What’s going on in Math?
This week, 6th graders began working with ratios by exploring diagrams, recipes of drinks and cookies, and equivalent ratios. Students deepened their study by investigating equivalent ratios using double number line diagrams.

Next week, students will analyze how ratios apply to speed by timing a 10m sprint, then converting that into m/s. They will also apply this knowledge to comparing rates in a situational problem.

What’s happening in Social Studies?

This week students were assessed on the Mesopotamian Region. Students then dove into the Egyptian and Kush unit by starting their first Quest activity. This quest is a unit long project that asks the students to answer one question, “What makes a great leader?” Students then began the unit by learning about Egyptian Society under Pharaohs. Students finished the week by analyzing a primary source focused on the victory of Ramses II. 

Students will begin next week by focusing on the achievements of the Egyptians before being challenged to create a pyramid through popsicle sticks. This will give emphasis to the complexity of the creation of these structures as the students struggle to complete the task. Students will then finish their quest before starting their research papers on Ancient Egyptian culture. 

Important Dates:

Saturday, September 23rd- Charleston Battery Family Fun Night
Monday-Tuesday, October 9-10 Fall Break

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The Cooper School