It has been another wonderful week in our Third Grade classroom!
Students were busy getting the classroom ready to welcome their parents for Curriculum Night, thank you to all who could make it out! Students were thrilled to hear that their special people were going to follow their morning routine by answering the message on the board and completing a “do now”.
The Cooper School’s morning meeting is a special time we treasure each morning. It is our time to greet each and every friend and share thoughts about the daily message. On Monday’s and Friday’s we have ‘whole school morning meeting’ with all of the elementary students to strengthen our sense of community.

Featured Subject: WORD WORK
In Word Work, third graders studied their spelling, vocabulary, and grammar as well as practiced their cursive. We heard many comments about how fancy students feel when they get to write in cursive! Our class uses this time to learn different spelling rules with the goal of incorporating them into their daily writing. They also work diligently on their vocabulary words, not only understanding the meaning but parts of speech as well.

Important Dates:
Labor Day – NO SCHOOL – Monday, Sept. 2
Family Fun Night with Charleston Battery -Saturday, Sept. 7 (6:00 – 9:00)
Parent Coffee – Friday, Sept. 13th (8:15-9:00)