Wacky Week
4th grade has been practicing Self-Regulation for their first SEL Unit. They learned that they can use skills to calm our emotions and our bodies when they are feeling upset, frustrated, or anxious. For their Close of Day share, many of them made up their own breathing techniques that help them, such as roller coaster breathing, figure eight breathing, flower breathing and many more.
4th grade mathematicians have been working on their factors and multiples. This week, they learned a new game where each partner takes turns coloring in a number and the other must color in all the factors that can make that number. They had a lot of fun with this one and it really helped them work on their fact fluency!
Our 4th grade readers are learning how to read intensely by focusing on character behavior, setting, and not letting things distract them while they read. This week we had some brave scholars volunteer to act out scenes from our read aloud book, Tiger Rising, by really listening to the words and giving us the most accurate facial expressions possible. They did a wonderful job!
Important Dates:
September 4 – Labor Day (No School)
September 6 – Curriculum Night (5:30pm to 6:00pm)
September 13 – Cooper Clusters
September 15- Parent Coffee (8:15-9:00)
September 29- Middle School Information Session (8:15-9:00)