Word Work
4th graders jumped right back into all their subjects, including vocabulary and spelling this week. While they are consistently practicing their handwriting skills, we’ve cooked up some new and fun activities like a spring spelling sort to get them back into routine.
The class was excited to start their new Math unit on angles and angle measurement. This unit will teach them how to use protractors to find an angle’s measurements. They will also learn new vocabulary words such as obtuse, acute, and right angle!
4th grade poets are finalizing their poems for Pass It On. Each student will have 2 poems featured in the book and will choose one to read aloud during our Pass It On event. They have been working so hard and we are so excited to see their work come to fruition.
Important Dates:
April 10 – Middle School Spread the Word (11:30 dismissal for whole school)
April 24 – Spring Choir Concert (Scottish Rite @ 1:45pm)
May 9 – Pass It On at 5pm (11;30 Dismissal )
May 24 – No School (Teacher Workday)
May 27 – No School (Memorial Day)
May 30 – ½ Day
May 31 – ½ Day, Field Day, Last Day of School