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Welcome To Kindergarten!

Creating Our Kindergarten House Rules
Kindergarteners had a magical first week of school! We started their year off by reviewing and then putting our classroom rules onto paper. Students discussed the importance of ONE voice in our classroom, taking care of our materials and each other, as well as using kind words and gentle hands. Kindergarten spent the week practicing their mastery of our classroom rules and applying them in every aspect of their day!

Exploring Our Math Tools
Students have been so excited to explore and discover new things about our classroom each day. This week, Kindergarteners began our math unit with some exploration of some of our most used math tools! Students got to experiment with pattern blocks, stack and build with connecting cubes, and tool around with 5-frames and counters.

Important Dates:
August 23rd – Popsicles With Parents (Kindergarten and 1st Grade Families)
August 28th – Elementary Curriculum Night
September 2nd – Labor Day (No School)
September 7th – Charleston Battery Family Fun Night
September 13th – Parent Coffee

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Ryan Pixler