Math Measurements about Me!
In math this week we dove right into learning about measurement, focusing on our height at the beginning of second grade! This week students took measurements of themselves on the first day of second grade. This information is going into a time capsule that will be saved for the end of the year. This allows students to see how much they have grown after a whole school year. Students worked in groups measuring themselves in both inches and centimeters, then cutting a piece of yarn to represent their height. At the end of the year students will compare their heights and be blown away by the difference!

All About Guppy
Guppy, the class pet has moved up from first grade to second grade! Second graders were so excited to see that their gecko friend had moved with them. This week we wanted to learn even more information about our class pet and have him represented in the classroom. As a class we talked about all the information we know about Guppy, and how we will care for him this year. Second graders created drawings of our class pet, after they got the chance to see him out of his cage! Their drawings will be put up on display for all their classmates to see!

Letters to Our Future Selves
Second graders are adding to their time capsule with a letter to their future self. In this letter they will include the things they are excited for in second grade, as well as their goals they want to achieve by the end of second grade. They will also write questions to themselves that they hope to answer by the end of the year. We love seeing the excitement and eagerness to learn in our classroom and dive right into second grade!
Important Dates:
August 30, 2023 – Elementary Curriculum Night 5:30 – 6:30
September 4, 2023 – Labor Day NO SCHOOL