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Y’all! January! Cold, dark, with high expectations. Gotta love it, right? 


Well, for us at school, we are digging deep. You walk into middle school, and there is laughter, hard work, deep questioning, studying, project making, “mathing”…all the things that could be a drag, aren’t. What is the “magic sauce?” COFFEE!


J/K…but not really :) It’s that we are trudging together. We are all working hard, having fun, and hoping for spring!


Bundle up!




This week, 6th graders explored exponents in equations, used graphs to understand speed and ratios, and began reviewing for our Unit 4 assessment. Next week, 6th grade will take their test on Tuesday and then begin unit 5 on proportional relationships which includes graphing, writing equations, and making equations for real-life applications.



This week, 6th graders worked on thoughtful note-taking and distilling all their complex information down into main ideas and supporting details that could fit into a clear and succinct lesson plan. Lesson plans are due 1/22. 6th grade also tested their grammar skills this Wednesday and dove straight into vocabulary study.


Next week, instructors will teach their lessons to 3rd and 4th grade classes on 1/24 to finish the unit. They can plan to test for vocabulary on 1/23, so be sure to start studying now!


Social Studies:

Sixth grade did a fantastic job with the introduction to ancient India. They learned about the importance of the Ganges River and how it still impacts the people of India today. We also began learning about Hinduism and started a project on the Gods of Hinduism. They were broken into small groups and researched a god or goddess and put their information onto life sized posters of the God they created themselves. Moving forward we will continue to learn about Hinduism, learning about yoga, meditation and the lifestyles of the people of India.



The sixth graders learned about parameciums this week! They observed them under the microscope and learned about the parts in their cells. The sixth graders also read about plants in Bill Law’s “Plants that Changed History.” They choose a plant that they will research and present information about to the class. Next week, they will explore fungus and how its cells are different from other living things.


Important Dates:


January 20- MLK Day, no school

January 29- 100th day of school