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Y’all! January! Cold, dark, with high expectations. Gotta love it, right? 


Well, for us at school, we are digging deep. You walk into middle school, and there is laughter, hard work, deep questioning, studying, project making, “mathing”…all the things that could be a drag, aren’t. What is the “magic sauce?” COFFEE!


J/K…but not really :) It’s that we are trudging together. We are all working hard, having fun, and hoping for spring!


Bundle up!




This week, 7th graders took a quiz on Monday, and then we dove into systems of equations and different strategies to solve them. Next week, we’ll continue to practice this skill as well as applying it to real life situations to investigate what a solution to a system of equations can mean.



7th grade writers worked on thoughtful revisions using “what if” brainstorming for their stories this week. They began re-drafting and typing their well-plotted stories for publishing next week on 1/23. They also tested their grammar skills on 1/16 and dove straight into vocabulary study. 


Next week, writers will publish and share their stories to conclude the unit. They will test their vocabulary skills on Friday 1/24.


Social Studies:

Seventh grade has done a wonderful job with Antebellum America. It is a difficult unit in which we discuss and learn about uncomfortable topics such as slavery and the violence between the north and south. We will continue with this time period, learning about the formation of the Constitution and the westward expansion of this country and how those two factors played a major role in the separation of the north and south.



Seventh graders learned about calories this week! They burned cheetos to see how much the heat released would raise the temperature of water. They learned how to calculate scientific calories, as well as “food” calories. The seventh graders also started to brainstorm ideas for the science fair, as well as took a quiz on calories and food webs. Next week, they will work on a project about plants that changed history, as well as learn more about photosynthesis.


Important Dates:


January 20- MLK Day, no school

January 29- 100th day of school



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Lindsay Dunn