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Working Hard & Being Mindful!

It’s been a wonderful week in Fourth grade! 


This week, the class was still working on building strong foundations in number theory, as well as mastering prime and composite numbers. Building off that knowledge, they are jumping into our next unit involving fractions. This week has been focused on learning how to identify and work with parts of a whole. Students have been working with unit fractions and fractions that exceed one whole. 


Our young authors have continued working on their realistic fiction stories. After much planning, they are expanding upon their initial ideas, and diving into their first drafts. They are also thrilled to start drafting their pen pal letters to Meeting Street Academy’s fourth grade class. We have some very exciting collaboration opportunities planned together later in the year, and are excited to get to know each other preemptively through letters! 


The fourth graders have been doing an incredible job doing their part to keep our community looking great. Every Tuesday and Thursday before morning meetings, students have been cleaning our backyard and mindfulness garden to have a sense of ownership and pride in spaces they spend time in. 

Important Dates 

September 7th – Charleston Battery Family Fun Night

September 13th – Parent Coffee (8:15-9:00)

September 24th- Middle School Info Session for Elementary Parents (8:30)

September 26th – New Family Social 

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Megan Evers