The Cooper School Daily



Mathematicians utilized dominoes as a strategy for addition and subtraction this week.  Here is an example of the type of addition problems that Second Graders solved this week:  

3+4=7                                         2+6=8

4+3=7                                        6+2=8

7-4=3                                           8-2=6

7-3=4                                           8-6=2

Dominoes are fantastic practice tools as well as fun games to play with your Second Grader!



Readers continued their study of non-fiction reading by finding comparisons within texts.  Second Graders made comparisons by using phrases such as, “This book shows me the same thing when…” and, “Another example I found in both books is…”. We will consider comparisons as we complete our “How-To Texts” for our upcoming Publishing Party.

Science Fair

This week Fifth Graders presented projects at the annual Cooper School Science Fair.  Second Graders attended and were able to see the scientific process in action. Topics included composting, clean water solutions, and static electricity.

Class Reminder:

Reading Logs go home each evening. Please remind your child to take the time to log their few minutes of reading, even if they have not finished the current book.  It is incredibly encouraging for Second Graders to see how much reading they accomplished!


Important Dates:

November 12th & 13th Conferences (11:30 dismissal)

November 16 Picture Day

November 19th                 Publishing Party – How To Books

November 20th                 Harvest Feast (11:30 dismissal)