The Cooper School Daily

European Investigators!

Social Studies-

As we continue our Europe Unit in Social Studies, students have chosen the country that they are going to investigate. They will learn all about the geography, culture, language, history, and more of their chosen country. This investigation will culminate in a presentation to the class where they will share all they’ve learned! Students are so excited to learn about countries such as Cyprus, Italy, Belgium, Iceland and more! 

5th Graders Investigating European Flags


In Reading this week, we have started our new Argument and Advocacy unit where students will focus on how to research debatable issues. We began our first lesson with a fascinating article on banning large sodas! We are all so interested in learning and understanding how to read argumentive text and apply it to our lives, particularly in such an interesting time in the news currently. 


This week we have been talking about Gratitude. Being able to identify things that we are grateful for is not just for the Thanksgiving season. As we began The Cooper School tradition of creating Gratitude Books, we also studied the science behind gratitude. Did you know that science shows being grateful every day can lead to having a happier life? We worked on identifying daily gratitudes and the larger things in our lives that we are grateful for. Students then created beautiful Gratitude Books where they’ve put together some of the most important things in their lives that they are grateful for.

Important Dates:

November 25th: Harvest Day Feast (11:30 Dismissal)

November 26th: Hurricane Make-Up Day (11:30 Dismissal)

November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break (No School)

December 13: 3rd-5th Movie Night