The Cooper School Daily

Fall Has Arrived!

The Smell Of Fall

I can smell fall in the air

I can also feel it too

When I look upon a tree

I can see fall’s colors bright

I love the smell of burning leaves

As its aroma fills the air

Then there is Apple Butter smell

Stirred up in a tub with spices

One can always smell the wood

Burning in a fireplace

Smoke curling up the chimney stack

Leaves a feeling of warmth

How many bonfires do you make

To roast hot dogs and marshmallows too

Friends and family gather around

Sharing this happy time around the fire

Then smell the pumpkin as it cooks down

To fill a pie shell to bake

Thanksgiving dinner will soon be here

One might even make some little  tarts too

Then pick a harvest of apples

Many dishes one can make

From tarts to pies, to cider

Also bobbing for apples too

I also like the crisp clean air

It smells so very sweet

It gives me roses in my cheeks

And a smile to all that I see (Lazette, 2008)

Here’s a look at what is happening in each of the classes:

What’s happening in Science?

Sixth Graders celebrated the autumnal equinox and explored how the angle of the sun impacts weather and climate around the world. They considered how latitude of locations affects the weather and climate. Sixth graders also practiced using the latitude and longitude grid to locate cities around the world. They began researching climate change solutions to consider what they will focus on for their TedEd or TedTalk project. We will cover how the climate is changing due to the increase of greenhouse gasses next week!

What’s up in ELA?

This week in grammar, your Sixth Graders worked on identifying “that clauses” and homophones. They have also begun their Personal Narrative Writing Unit. Please take a look at their writing journals and give feedback to your students. Make sure they are applying the grammar skills that they have learned. Students are writing about small moments or people in their lives. Please be aware that  ELA rubrics are sent home on Fridays and Mondays. They are to be signed by parents and sent back to school.

What’s going on in Math?

Math becomes so much easier when you discover how to find that magic thing called the Unit Rate. How much is it for one of something? Just one. How much “per each”. Sure, a dozen donuts costs $8, but what do I do on that rare occasion when I don’t want an entire dozen. The unit rate will be an equivalent fraction that reflects 8:12 ($8 per 12 donuts). We’ve reviewed long division and a few other basics that we’ll be needing so much in the future. Once they find out that a single donut costs $1.50, they can use that number to find the cost of as many donuts as they want. And it doesn’t just work with donuts, it’s good for all other forms of junk food as well. We’ll be doing more “per each” work in the next week or two, with a mini-assessment tossed in to keep them alert, and a mid-unit assessment approaching quickly.

What’s happening in Social Studies?

Sixth Grade had an informative week learning about the first empires to pop up near the Mesopotamia area. We had great discussions about the differences between the Empires and Cyrus the Great and his usage of camels (feel free to ask your Sixth Graders about this).
We ended the week with a foldable brochure that the students were able to write down the main ideas for each of the empires to quickly quiz themselves over. 

Next week, we are pushing forward and discussing the Phoenicians and then learning about Judaism as the religion played a huge role in this area of the world. Students will end the week by playing a review game to put the information together from the previous lessons. 

Important Dates:

September 23rd: Charleston Battery Family Fun Event

September 29th: Parent Coffee (8:00am-8:45am)