The Cooper School Daily

Happy Friday !!!

Insect Researchers

Our First Grade Scientists selected an insect they wanted to research this week! Each student chose an insect that they felt was special to them. We used our Ipads and Epic to find information about our little creatures! We also did a class discussion about each insect and found some fun facts. Ask your scholar what is the most interesting thing they have found out so far about their insect! 


We are continuing our study of nonfiction, and have been learning how to read our nonfiction books aloud like experts! We have been practicing reading aloud and talking about keywords in our books with partners.  We will end our nonfiction unit by reading our books aloud to the class and uploading videos of ourselves reading to Padlet.  Be on the lookout for an email with your access to Padlet at the end of next week! 


Students are becoming increasingly comfortable with writing teaching books.  We are continuing our study of how to write a teaching book and have been discussing how to expand on what we are writing.  In the next few weeks we will be writing chapter books that teach our readers about a topic!  Students are already thinking about all of the things they can teach readers about.  

Important Dates: 

  • November 6- Distance Learning Day
  • November 9th & 10th- Parent/Teacher Conferences- Please remember to sign up for your conference via Sign Up Genius