The Cooper School Daily

Happy New Year!

Australia and Mem Fox!

This week our First Grade discoverers spent the week getting ready and excited to start our new Social Studies unit – Australia! As we wrapped up our mapping unit our First Graders blew us away with their thoughtful questions and curiosities about the world we live in. We are excited to watch them learn and grow as they discover all there is to learn about Australia and the people and animals that live there.

Audio Books

Our readers expanded their reading talents and skills this week by recording their own audio books! First Graders showed off their reading fluency and technology skills by using our class iPads to record beautiful audio books. We loved watching our readers show off their abilities and feel so proud while doing it! 

One Word

We were very excited to welcome in the new year and even more excited to introduce the Cooper School’s “One Word” tradition into our classroom. Each year each student reflects on their life and considers one aspect they would like to focus on. Through a class discussion, we each choose one word that embodies what we would like to focus on in the new year.

Important Dates

January 17 – MLK Day (No School)

January 21- “Artist of the Month” Coffee for 1st Grade & 7th Grade

February 21st & 22nd – February Break (No School)