The Cooper School Daily

Memorable May

As the year comes to an end, the month of May has been used to not only remember the good times, but plan for more to come! 

What’s Going On?

Fifth and eighth graders have been working diligently on preparing an awesome Field Day for TCS! Students have been working closely with Ms. Lindsay to prepare for Friday’s festivities. 

Eighth graders prepared to be sent off to high school by working on their graduation ceremony with Ms. Riley.

Dr. Ev and Ms. Lindsay, with some awesome parent volunteers, took the seventh and eighth graders on a special field trip to the Columbia Zoo on Tuesday! They were eager to share the fun stories when they arrived back on campus before dismissal. 

With the release of yearbooks on Tuesday, the students have been focused on the memories of their academic year. Looking back at days such as; Halloween, field trips, random fun, and more,  it has been a joy reliving those moments with their friends as they exchanged signatures and heartwarming messages in each other’s yearbooks. 

Students have been reminding each other that this is not a goodbye, but instead a “see you soon.” 

It has been a great year at TCS and we are looking forward to another wonderful year starting back up in August.