The Cooper School Daily

Our First Full Week

Science atop the structure
In science this week, First Graders studied apples. We asked a lot of questions and made a lot of predictions about the seeds inside. Do bigger apples have bigger seeds? Do they have more seeds than smaller apples? Do green apples have more seeds than red ones? Later in the week, we cut the apples open to count and graph the number of seeds we found. The week culminated with an apple “taste test,” in which students chose a favorite apple from several varieties. Next week, our focus shifts to parts of a seed and how seeds travel.

Reading Workshop
We have a lot of special routines in First Grade. Reading Workshop has a
predictable flow that students must learn and master early in the year. Our young readers did a GREAT job this week learning about what independent reading looks like and sounds like, about the different parts of Reading Workshop, and how to begin and continue independent work. We are nurturing a love of reading from the very beginning!

Movement evolution
Physical education is an essential component of educating the whole child. Here at The Cooper School, we use both competitive and cooperative games to challenge our bodies and minds. This week First Graders learned how to play Sardines (a kind of reverse hide-and-seek) and played Evolution (a Cooper School favorite). By the end of our outdoor time, every student was ready for a water break and a nice cool-down inside the building.

Important Dates

  • Monday, September 5 – Labor Day, no school
  • Thursday, September 29, Curriculum Night, 5:30-6:30pm