The Cooper School Daily

Our Valentines!

Word Part Chart

This week, Kindergarten friends welcomed a new “Word Part Chart” into our study of phonics. These word scientists spent time building on their knowledge of the snap words: an, at, in and  it. Kindergarteners practiced adding different letters to the beginning of these snap words to build new ones! They came up with all kinds of fun new words that they can read and write! Word scientists even learned a new song to practice adding letters and changing words.

Kid-Centric Centers

Our classroom was enthused this week to get their feet wet in several new afternoon centers. Students have been pumped to build on their social and fine motor skills with tasks such as tissue paper art, a sewing project to create stuffed monster dolls, using blocks to build homes appropriate to different biomes, and our new MOST favorite…our Rainforest Imagination Station. Ms. Marsha put her construction tool belt on and built a fantastical rainforest hideaway in our own classroom! Students have been excited for the opportunity to explore the scenery with binoculars of their own!

Outdoor Music

To celebrate the beautiful weather we have had this week, Kindergarteners were treated to an outdoor music class! Miss Hazel started music this week with students in a circle reviewing some of their class favorites. She then continued to introduce students to a couple of new rhythms on her drums. Kindergarteners had a blast as Miss Hazel tested their abilities to recognize each beat by assigning them as signals. Students worked together with Miss Hazel to create a system for a new playground game. They assigned a rhythm to three different commands: go dance, come back, and stop. As students spread themselves across our backyard, Hazel played her drums and we watched as Kindergarteners danced, laughed, and felt pride in their ability to spot familiar tunes!

Important Dates
February 17th – February Break (No School)
February 27th – Kinder-Bonding Buddy Playdate with Class (3:00-4:00pm)
March 9th – Biome Fashion Show (2:00pm)