The Cooper School Daily

Peaceful Holiday Wishes

photo 1Ornaments

Each year, The Cooper School decorates a tree in Marion Square. We choose a theme for the ornaments, and try to make the idea reflect our Cooper School values. This year, given all the tribulation in our country and abroad, we chose  “peace” as the theme. Working together and individually, First Graders and Kindergarteners used clay to create dove-shaped ornaments, each inlaid with a heart. As we worked, we discussed how the symbols of Peace and Love are related. On Wednesday, parents and students gathered to decorate the tree together, for all of Charleston to see and enjoy. What gives you a feeling of peace?

Story Elements

This week was an exciting one in Reading Workshop. Our new unit is all about “story elements!” First Graders were introduced to the elements of character, plot, and setting this week. We started our discussion by looking closely at The Twelve Dancing Princesses, Tillie and the Wall, and The Elevator Family, which are all excellent starting points for learning about story elements. They also all happen to be exciting, funny, well-crafted tales. As your child about story elements tonight!

Math Projectphoto 2

Throughout the year, between major units of study, we will complete a multi-day math project as a class. This week, we got to make holiday wrapping paper! By using tempera paint and pattern blocks, students created ABAB patterns, ABCABC patterns, and much more to create beautiful paper to wrap Christmas and Hanukkah presents this season. Students found that the most interesting patterns were simple repeating themes that used bright, bold colors.

Important Dates

  • Wednesday, December 16 – Publishing Party, First Grade Classroom, 1:45pm
  • Friday, December 18 – Pajama Day, Half Day of School, 11:30 dismissal (Winter Break Begins)
  • Tuesday, January 5 – School Resumes