The Cooper School Daily

Chicks are Here !

Cheep, Chirp, Cheep!

Our young scientists were surprised and thrilled to discover baby chicks in our classroom this week. Kindergarteners marveled at the cute yellow fluffy feathers and their little bodies. They loved sharing their wonderful wonders. Over the next several weeks, students will investigate the parts of an egg, the chicken life cycle, and how to care for baby chicks! Stay tuned for more egg-cellent news!


Squashing ANTS!

During our Minds Up lessons this week, students discovered that sometimes when things feel challenging or scary, our brains might send A.N.T.s (automatic negative thoughts) to our minds. Kindergarteners shared times when they have experienced A.N.T.s. Students learned how to identify when they might be having A.N.T.s and discovered strategies for helping to “squash” those A.N.T.s. Once self-defeating talk is identified and eliminated, the hope is that students may overcome hurdles that are  stopping them from moving forward and doing their very best!


Reading Fun

This week in Reading Workshop our Kindergarten readers have been learning about becoming avid readers. If you’re an avid reader, it means you read as much as you can, whenever you can. Our scholars have been reading so much this week, it’s been hard to get to them to stop. Kindergartners are enjoying reading and going deeper into the books. Our scholars will become avid readers in no time!


  • April 19-22- April Break
  • Study Trip to Dock Street Theatre on April 23rd 9:30-11
  • Thursday, April 25th- Spring Auction
  • Friday, April 26th 12-12:30 Swimming Lessons
  • Monday, April 29th Legare Farms
  • Friday, May 3rd 12-12:30 Swimming Lessons
  • Friday, May 10th Kindergarten Grandparents & Special Friends Day
  • Friday, May 10th Pass It On (5pm-6pm)