The Cooper School Daily

The Buzz of Bees


This year we started off creating a buzz in our classroom… a bee buzz! Students are super excited to be studying bees. It is important that we learn about these tiny, misunderstood creatures since they play such a vital role in our ecosystem. We began our study by thinking of experiences we have had with bees. As you can imagine, many students’ experiences revolved around being stung. This highlights the importance of studying these insects so that students fully understand the role they play in pollination and know that bees are more than their stinger. Next, students enjoyed illustrating their stories through 3D dioramas. We can’t wait to show these off to you!

Bee Dioramas Photo Aug 24, 12 57 46 PM


The Cooper School is pleased to welcome Stacy Peth as our new Yoga teacher! On Thursday, Fourth Graders loved getting to know their new teacher and jumped right into their yoga practices. They did a yoga flow and shared their favorite poses with Miss Stacy. Miss Stacy was impressed by the many poses they knew and what little yogis they are!

Working with Fifth Grade

This week Fourth Grade teamed up with Fifth Grade for Morning Meeting and Movement. This is a great opportunity for students to branch out in their peer play and create new friendships. During Movement, students had to work together to pass a hula-hoop around the circle of clasped hands. Sounds easy, but not when a new hula-hoop is added at every third person! During Morning Meeting, we have been talking about each subject and what we love the most about school. Students are excited to see who can name all their friends the fastest. So far, 22 seconds is the time to beat!

Important Dates:

  • Monday, September 5 – Labor Day, no school
  • Thursday, September 29, Curriculum Night, 5:30-6:30pm