The Cooper School Daily

Time to Boogie

Last weekend, a friend of mine left Charleston. The departure made me think about how weird it is that saying goodbye brings up that pukey feeling. Even if the person is not leaving your life, just the state, just knowing someone you like to hang with isn’t as available as they used to be can feel, well, pukey…

Coincidently, Charleston County also released their School Choice acceptance last weekend. The eighth graders received notice about possible schools they may attend, solidifying that they too are preparing to boogie on from each other. The cocktail of emotions that comes along with saying goodbye to friends and daily routine, for some of these kids since they were in kindergarten…yeah, you guessed it…POSSIBLE PUKE!

Why? Why do we feel physically sick when we have to say goodbye? According to Dr. Josell, from the Cleveland Health Clinic, “anything that feels like a life-altering loss causes us to trigger our grief response.” As humans, loss impacts our physical, emotional, and behavioral well-being. When we experience loss, we have no choice but to accept and adapt, which can feel stressful, causing a physical reaction to the stressful situation. Does that mean we should avoid change? According to Dr. Josell, “loss is part of our lives and recognizing that grief impacts our thoughts, emotions, and body is part of the human experience.” Loving and losing is completely normal. Does it still stink? Yup….Darnit!

As our eighth graders prepare for their final Cooper School goodbye, and other students just to the school year that is coming to a close, they will be feeling various emotions and maybe pukey feelings as they accept the loss of this school year. Us teachers will be here to allow them to feel their feelings, let them know what they are experiencing is what they should be, and that we are here to help them if they need it. We too will be saying goodbye to our eighth graders, which you guessed it…puke!


Here’s a look at what is happening in each of the classes:

What’s happening in Science?
Sixth graders finished their human systems study this week. They learned about metacognition and that people actually study the science of thinking. They performed many memory tests and then discussed how they thought about their thinking to explore metacognition first hand. They also browsed through a book about plants that changed history and chose one plant they want to learn more about. They will present their findings to the class in a fun and entertaining way.
What’s up in ELA?

6th grade readers finished up Return to Sender, reflecting on the novel’s connection to societal issues and our own personal journeys as people. We did a year-end review of grammar concepts and prepared for ERB testing questions!

Next week, readers will begin a colorful graphic novel writing unit! 6th grade will continue grammar and ERB review, while also reaching back into vocabulary words learned over the past year.

What’s going on in Math?
This week, 6th graders began exploring probability and sample populations, and applying our learned skills of data analysis to real-world situations. Next week, we’ll finish up our LAST unit by reviewing for and taking our unit 8 assessment on Friday, May 3!

What’s happening in Social Studies?
Sixth graders finished their Renaissance unit this week! Students dove into the Scientific Revolution and some notable people during the movement! Students spent the end of the week in preparation for their assessment.

Next week, we will dive into the Age of Discovery! Students will learn about different notable people during this age and create a poem that describes their passages.

Important Dates:
April 27: Spring Auction & Gala- 6pm @ Founder’s Hall (tickets available until 4/12)
May 9: 11:30 Dismissal (Pass It On for Elementary School)