The Cooper School Daily

Ups and Downs

Remembering Sparkles 
On Tuesday we lost a beloved class pet: Sparkles the tortoise. It was a difficult morning dealing with a lot of emotions, but we channeled our energy toward planning a funeral for our reptile friend. First Graders learned that at funerals people read fond memories and compliments about the person who has passed away. Students spent time writing short remembrances to be read at the funeral. They also drew colorful pictures of Sparkles. We brought our writing outside and read the notes out loud as we said goodbye to Sparkles and buried her in the backyard where we can visit her every day.

Here are some excerpts from the students’ writing:
“I was really glad when I saw you in the tortoise race and if you were alive you would win the next one.”
“Dear Sparkles, I loved how you would stay in my hands and you were my nice friend.”
“I really loved how you would eat the lettuce.”
“I remember when you let us hold you in our hands. I liked how nice you were.”
“Sparkles you were like my first good buddy to me and I will always remember this day.”
“I remember when you tried your hardest in your race with Jellybean.”
“I love the way you were so happy.”
“I remember when I first petted you. I love you, Sparkles.”

100th Day of School
Wednesday was the 100th day of school! This is always a day of celebration in First Grade, and this year was no exception. As a class, we read over 100 books in less than an hour. Students also drew portraits of themselves at age 100, completed 100 exercises, constructed buildings with 100 blocks, and more! We even counted all of our snack items at morning and afternoon snack to see if the sum would be more or less than 100. Can you guess what it was? Way over 100… 361 separate items! It was, in the words of one student, “the funnest day of the year!”

Writing Workshop
As Valentine’s Day approaches, Cooper School students create a special project for their classmates. Rather than bring in Valentines for each student, TCS kids create compliment books. This week, students spent time thinking about what compliments are and what makes a meaningful compliment. Then they began writing a compliment for each their classmates. Next week we will edit and revise them, and write them on heart shaped paper. Once these papers are sorted, each student will receive a Compliment Book full of thoughtful compliments just for them. It is a beloved Cooper School tradition and project.

Important Dates
•   Tuesday, February 7 – Parent Coffee, 8:15-9:15am
•   Friday, February 10 – Valentine’s Day Bake Sake, TCS Backyard, 2:15pm
•   Tuesday, February 14 – Valentine’s Day Concert, Circular Church, 1:00-3:00pm
•   Monday and Tuesday, February 20-21 – February Break, No School