The Cooper School Daily

We cannot wait to see you! Conferences are right around the corner…

This week has been jam-packed with a variety of exciting happenings. In case you missed it, the Halloween carnival was a hit! The costumes, decorations, and booths were excitingly creative. There have been multiple presentations being put on by the elementary school that have been enticing for the middle schoolers to observe. Remember to put parent/teacher conferences on your calendar for next week!

Here’s a look at what is happening in each of the classes:

What’s happening in Social Studies?
This week, eighth graders began to look at nationalism and how it played apart in the Revolutions we studied.

Next week students will begin to learn about different types of nationalism and analyze primary source documents in a DBQ. This will conclude the unit.

What’s happening in ELA?
Eighth graders continue to work on their “Critical Literature” unit. Every student has a book that they will be focusing on. They have been working on their notetaking skills, identifying the issue the protagonist is dealing with and reflecting on the “windows vs mirrors” comparison of the character’s situations to their own lives. Next week, students will start on week eight in their grammar workbook.

Finally, I wanted to let you know that starting next week, all signed papers for ELA will be sent home every Monday. The signed paper (rubric) is how I will keep you informed on how your child is doing in ELA. Please check with your child every Monday afternoon for their ELA signed papers.

What’s happening in Science?
Eighth graders laughed and cried over their Rube Goldberg machine this week! Chain reactions that we thought were fool proof started to malfunction and required TLC. However, everyone persevered and rallied to get the job done! The eighth graders also analyzed and interpreted the physics going on in the machine. They worked on a presentation that will explain the “science” behind the madness. Just a reminder, their presentation is Wednesday, November 9th at 2:00pm. It will be in the science lab.

What’s happening in Math?
We have been working on graphing linear inequalities so that we can move into graphing systems of linear inequalities. Our final assessment has been pushed back to Monday and Tuesday of next week. Since those are shorter days, I am going to give them both to take and/or correct the final assessment. We will take today to review all skills including solving equations, graphing inequalities in one variable, solving systems of equations, and graphing inequalities in two variables. Be on the lookout for those assessments to come home next week!

Important Dates:

November 7 / 8- Parent / Teacher Conferences (11:30 Dismissal)
November 9- Rube Goldberg Presentation at 2:00
November 11- Veterans Day Breakfast
November 18- Harvest Festival (11:30 Dismissal)
November 21-25 Thanksgiving Break (No School)