The Cooper School Daily

We Got Spirit!

Subtraction City
This week, Kindergarteners were excited to put their addition and subtraction skills to the test in a class-wide game of Subtraction City. Our class started with a small city built of 10 blocks. Players would roll two dice, one to tell them whether they were adding to or taking away, and another to tell them just how many. Students laughed as we watched our city grow and then shrink again, over and over. As a class, we kept a record of the number of blocks being added and subtracted! 

R-Controlled Vowels
Kindergarten readers spent time investigating R-controlled vowels during our word study this week! These word wizards are learning that “Bossy R” bosses vowels and controls the sound but is polite enough to allow the vowel sound to come first. We discovered that -ar makes the “arrr” sound like a pirate. Kindergarteners then spent time investigating-er, -ir, and -ur to discover that these three vowels can actually all make the same sound when old “Bossy R” comes along! Finally, we spent time investigating -or and discovered that you can hear the SNAP word “or” in words that contain the spelling -or. Words are wild and these kids are wizards!

Spirit Week
Students had such a blast this week celebrating a year full of memories! We kicked off the week showing our TCS school spirit by wearing our best hats. On Tuesday, students showed off their favorite shirts and used their knowledge from our clothing study to explain why it was their favorite. Some loved the design or color, while others loved how comfortable it was. Some had favorites simply because of the memories they have of wearing it! We also loved getting to see Kindergarteners dressed head to toe in their favorite color, displaying their silliest socks, and cozying up in some comfy PJs!

Important Dates:
May 31st – Memorial Day (No School)
June 3rd- Field Day/Last Day of School (11:30 Dismissal)