The Cooper School Daily

Week 3 has been amazing!


Chromebooks have been such a big hit! Third graders love practicing their typing skills using spelling and vocabulary words. Learning the placement of keys on the keyboard is a skill we are working to develop. We’ve also started to use Zearn, which is a math skills website. Our Third Graders are enjoying learning with technology. 


Third graders are learning about pitch and how it affects sounds. We were able to practice the length of pitch and vibrations to hear different sounds. By using different instruments such as; a waterphone, xylophone, and kalimba, we were able to adjust bars, water, and metal tubes to change pitch. We made some cool sounds! 🙂  

Social and Emotional Learning

The Cooper School is keeping to our roots and learning styles, but things look a little different this year. As we are all learning to adapt to our new world, curiosity has been a huge part of our daily routine. As such, we have decided to create a Wonder Wall. Students can write their questions and post them for others in the room to see. When we find answers, together or on our own, we will fill out the results of those curiosities. 


This week, our readers learned to make predictions about what might happen next in their stories. We “partner shared” about our books and then read our prediction Post It Notes out loud. We also talked about reading with our minds turned on by giving ourselves comprehension checks as we read. We are excited to move even further into the mind-work that fiction readers do!

Important Dates:

Wednesday, September 30th- Virtual Curriculum Night (Time-TBD)

October 12th & 13th- Fall Break (NO SCHOOL)