The Cooper School Daily

Week 5 is in the books!


This week we have been focusing on multiplying and dividing using units of 4. We were able to skip-count objects to build fluency with multiplication facts. Students have been relating arrays to tape diagrams and modeling the commutative property of multiplication. We are excited to start modeling the relationship between multiplication and division!


Students started writing paragraphs in class that we transferred into a Google document this week. Being able to type on their own and navigate through their Chromebooks is becoming an easier task for us! 


We wrapped up our Physics of Sound unit. Students enjoyed making their instruments and performing with them in the classroom. We were able to see some creative ideas. Third Graders learned how to change pitch and sound through the creation of their own instruments.


This week in writing, we talked a lot about different revision techniques. Our wonderful writers have been elaborating by using dialogue but we also talked about how we can elaborate by adding actions, thoughts, and even setting details. Our final pieces are coming together and we are excited to share them next week!

Important Dates:

September 30th- Virtual Curriculum Night 

October 9th- Distance Learning Day 

October 12th & 13th- Fall Break (NO SCHOOL)