The Cooper School Daily

Welcome Back!


Readers finished Love That Dog by Sharon Creech this week and were excited to move onto reading the sequel: Hate That Cat. Hate That Cat follows Jack as he moves to the next school year. Students enjoyed discussing the ways in which Jack had grown since the last year, like how he isn’t as hesitant to write poetry now or have his poetry displayed for the class with his name on it!  


Third Graders had an extra exciting first week back in science! Students were excited to be greeted by four chicks when they came into the classroom on Wednesday! We’re investigating living things in Science right now and we’re excited to watch the chicks grow and compare them to the crayfish we met before Spring Break! As a class, we decided to name the chicks Henrietta, Cosmo, Nugget, and Jabba the Hen.


In writing this week we returned to writing poetry. This week we explored vivid imagery in poetry. Students learned that sometimes poets use unusual language to help their audience gather an image of the poem in their heads. Writers also explored how the spacing of a poem can affect the flow of the poem when we read it.

Meeting the Chicks!
Top Left: Nugget Top Right: Jabba the Hen, Bottom Left: Henrietta, Bottom Right: Cosmo
Observing the Chicks!

Important Dates:
April 16: Interim Reports Go Home
May 7: Virtual Pass It On (more information about viewing will be sent home soon)-11:30 Dismissal