The Cooper School Daily

X-Ray Museum!

How Many Bones Are In The Human Body? 206 or 300? 

This week, Fourth Graders started studying the human body as part of our new science unit. Scientists gathered in pairs and took turns jumping rope to observe muscles in motion. Our students were tasked with tallying the bones in the human body in their science notebooks and created a model of a human skeleton using paper cutouts and pins to connect each joint. The class observed x-rays of bones and reflected upon the experience as a group. This appeared easy at first, but things are not always what they seem. Fourth Graders needed to take a closer look at each bone to make sure they fit properly. Our scientists were then able to appreciate the full skeletal frame. Ask your child how many bones are in the human body and to name a bone.

Practicing Debating!

Our Fourth Grade scholars are diligently preparing for a mock class debate between the Patriots and Loyalists! Our classroom was setup to feel just like Independence Hall in 1776. The Loyalists were seated across the room from the Patriots. One student sat at the helm of the classroom as John Hancock and introduced the debate. The debate began as one delegate from each side stood in front of the opposing side to voice their argument. The main topic of separating from British Law and staying under British control, spurred a comprehensive debate. Their rebuttals were heartfelt and persuasive. What a thrill it was to hear them develop their counterarguments and stick to their convictions. In order to have a successful debate, timing, confidence and concrete information are key components. Please ask your child about the effectiveness of working in teams for a debate.

Gross Motor Skills In Action! 

This week, Fourth Graders ventured to St. Andrew’s Gymnasium! The entire gym was set up for purposeful physical education. Students focused on upper body strength, coordination and balance while engaging in the giant parachute games. Our 4th Grade fitness specialists strengthened their core muscles as they played organized soccer in the middle of the gym. Soccer engages all muscles but specifically the hamstrings and quadriceps to control the hips when receiving the ball. Students played basketball, which reinforced healthy sportsmanship and a balanced workout. Please ask your child, which parts of the body and muscles were engaged during physical education. These questions connect directly with our Human Body science unit. 

Important Dates: 

Friday, 12/13 3rd-5th Grade Movie Night (5pm-8pm)

Wednesday, 12/18 St. Andrew’s Gymnasium Trip (8:30am-9:30am) 

Friday, 12/20 Pajama Day (Half Day)

12/21-1/5  Winter Break- No School

Monday, 1/6 School Resumes