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Welcome from the Head of School

As the Head of School, it is my privilege to introduce you to The Cooper School, the premiere progressive project-based school in Charleston that places kindness, academic excellence, and community at the very core of our educational philosophy.

At The Cooper School, we believe in nurturing not only the minds of our students but also their hearts. Our commitment to kindness is a guiding principle, as we believe that teaching empathy, respect, and compassion is just as important as teaching math, science, and language arts. Our students learn to be caring, responsible, and socially aware changemakers, creating a compassionate and inclusive community that extends far beyond the classroom.

We take great pride in our commitment to academic excellence. Our progressive approach to education encourages students to think critically, explore their interests, and engage in hands-on, project-based learning. We celebrate curiosity and promote a love of learning that lasts a lifetime. With a dedicated and passionate team of educators, we empower students to excel academically while fostering a deep sense of intellectual curiosity.

Community is at the heart of our school. We believe in the power of unity, and we actively work to build a supportive and inclusive environment for all. Our close-knit community extends to our students, parents, faculty, and staff, creating a network of shared values and goals. We embrace diversity and welcome families from all backgrounds, creating a vibrant and enriching tapestry of perspectives.

At The Cooper School, we are committed to preparing our students for a future that is both challenging and exciting. We equip them with the skills, knowledge, and values needed to navigate an ever-changing world with confidence and resilience. Our students not only succeed academically but also develop a strong sense of self, empathy for others, and a deep appreciation for the world around them.

I invite you to explore our website and discover how we fulfill our mission. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to schedule a visit. We look forward to welcoming you into our warm and caring community, where kindness, academic excellence, and community are not just words on a page but a way of life.

Kind Regards,
Franci Bell
Head of School