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Our First Full Week!

Practicing Our Kindergarten House Rules
Kindergarteners started their week off by reviewing and then putting our classroom rules onto paper. Students discussed the importance of ONE voice in our classroom, taking care of our materials and each other, as well as using kind words and gentle hands. Kindergarten spent the week practicing their mastery of our classroom rules and applying them in every aspect of their day!

All About Me
Students were so excited to kick off our new Social Studies unit this week, All About Me! Kindergarteners spent the week talking about their inside qualities, outside qualities, and the things that make them special. We can’t wait to continue to learn all about each friend’s family and celebrate the differences in our classroom and world. Students are excited to share their All About Me bags next week!

Exploring Lines and Curves
This week, Kindergarteners spent time investigating lines and curves that make up the different letters of the alphabet. Students learned to classify horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. These young scholars practiced making different kinds of lines and curves with their bodies and then spent time following step-by-step directions forming letters on dry erase boards. Ask your Kindergartener to tell you what they know about horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines!

Important Dates:
August 23rd – Popsicles With Parents (Kindergarten and 1st Grade Families)
August 26th – All About Me Bags Due
August 28th – Elementary Curriculum Night
August 30th – Shoes Due for Walk In My Shoes Project
September 2nd – Labor Day (No School)
September 7th – Charleston Battery Family Fun Night
September 13th – Parent Coffee