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Business as Usual


4th grade mathematicians learned a new Math vocabulary word this week: decompose. When talking about fractions, decomposing is used to break down a mixed number into an improper fraction. They’re slowly getting a hang of it, which is important because we will revisit this concept in later units.

Read Aloud

The class finished reading Who Stole the Wizard of Oz and has now moved on to a new mystery, Any Which Wall. This story details four friends who accidentally embark on a journey through time when they discover a magical wall. We are excited to go on this new adventure and put our detective skills to the test!

Social Studies

Our economists have been working on a business plan and prototype of a good or service they could sell to classmates. They had to create a budget breakdown, as well as predict how much profit and demand they will encounter. They’re learning firsthand how a market economy works and the roles they can have within it.

Important Dates

October 31 – Halloween Carnival (½ Day)

November 1 – Teacher Work Day (No School)

November 3 – Field Trip to Dock Street Theater 

November 6 & 7 – Parent Conferences (½ Days)

November 10 – 4th Grade Presentation (2:15pm)