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Cooper School Kids in All We Do

My advisory group leapt onto longboards last week for off-campus P.E. at James Island County Park. Some students cut through the air and pushed their boards along with ease, others (and their teacher) scooted along at a slower pace. We were never not a team, though, cheering one another on and never forgetting to check on those who were taking a more cautious approach. Not a single student was discouraged by their differences. Even those who took a slower approach expressed total relaxation and pride in themselves. It was a perfect picture of who we are as ‘Cooper School Kids.’ Our longboard-learning may have looked a little different student to student, but we stayed united in our pursuit of a common destination. No matter how we boarded, everyone’s learning was in the ‘doing.’ Even on a skateboard, our progressive education values and Cooper School kindness shined through. 

I hope our parents see glimpses of such values at home, as well. Perhaps it’s the next thing you can discuss at the dinner table or over homework. Let’s keep applauding such unity in uniqueness, kindness, and experiential learning in our kids. 


Here’s a look at what is happening in each of the classes:

What’s happening in Science?
Sixth graders explored global warming this week! They looked at the correlation between the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to global temperatures. They learned about the greenhouse effect and how the Earth’s natural processes trap heat, but also considered how the increase of greenhouse gasses from human activities is impacting the natural occurring effect. Sixth graders began to brainstorm what topic about green solutions they are interested in researching for their Ted Talk they will present in a few weeks. Next week, sixth graders will learn about conduction and how it impacts home insulation.

What’s up in ELA?

This week in 6th grade, we worked on self-assessing our work and pushing our writing to meet new ‘sixth grade standards.’ We revised our openings to be as compelling as possible, experimented with dialogue, and chose a personal story we liked the most to take through the complete writing process to publishing.

Next week, 6th grade will work hard on revisions and eventual publishing of a piece they would like to display and share. We’ll pay special attention to elaborating on important details well, making our stories rich with ‘meaning,’ and how to apply teacher feedback to meet our writing goals. 

What’s going on in Math?
This week, students compared the different strategies they’ve learned to help them solve ratio problems. These strategies include creating tape diagrams, tables, and double number lines. They took their Mid-Unit Assessment to check their understanding of these strategies before moving into using ratios to create scaled copies of figures and real life objects. Next week, they’ll continue this application of ratios to real life by studying unit prices, unit rates, and speeds before diving into percentages.

What’s happening in Social Studies?

This week the students worked hard to complete their first research papers. The students focused on creating a research paper on Ancient Egypt, focusing more specifically on pharaohs, their achievements, and the relationship with the Kush civilization. Students worked through rough drafts and peer editing to create their final piece. 

Next week, the students will dive into the history of India. We will begin the unit by looking at vocabulary before diving into the mystery of the Indus Valley Civilization. Students will use historic facts to create an answer to the question; “What happened to the Ancient Indus Valley Civilization, and why did people leave?” 

Important Dates:

Monday-Tuesday, October 9-10 Fall Break