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Extra, Extra!


4th graders quickly moved into their journalism unit last week. They witnessed and reported on a dramatic event that happened on Tuesday, as teachers collaborated to put on a show for the students. They learned exactly what it means to be reporting live on the scene as a key witness! Our journalists discovered the importance of getting all of the facts, including the date, time, and all people involved. Be sure to ask your reporter to give you the scoop on what’s happening in 4th grade!

Social Studies

Last week, our curious students got an introduction to our first Social Studies unit, Economics. They had a fun activity to teach them about goods and services, which had them creating their own scenarios about supply and demand. This unit will give them a preview into how the government works and how money is distributed in the US. 


Our mathematicians took their unit 2 test last Friday and have moved on to unit 3 this week. Unit 3 continues working with fractions while placing an emphasis on place value and comparison with decimals. We will continue to find a common denominator and bring back number lines to help order from least to greatest. 

Important Dates

October 18- Parent Lemonade (2:00-2:45)

October 31 – Halloween Carnival (½ Day)

November 1 – Teacher Work Day (No School)