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Ways to Give

Discover the various avenues through which you can support our mission and contribute to the success of The Cooper School community.


To make a gift directly to The Giving and Growing Fund, you may:

  • Send a check payable to The Cooper School Advancement 13 Oakdale Place, Charleston, SC 29407
  • Provide credit card details over the phone by calling (843) 573-1033

Did you know?

Checks are the only way to ensure 100% of your contribution goes directly to The Cooper School, instead of into credit card or online processing fees. We hope you will consider donating with a check today!


Leadership Circle

The Velveteen Rabbit
$10,000 +

Charlotte’s Web
$5,000 – $9,999

Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
$2,500 – $4,9999

Circle of Friends

Frog and Toad
$1,500 – $2,499
Benefits: VIP Teacher Experience, Donor Appreciation Event, TCS Tervis Tumbler

$1,000 – $1,499
Benefits: Donor Appreciation Event, TCS Tervis Tumbler

Cooper Circle

Bridge to Terabithia
$500 – $999
Benefits: TCS Tervis Tumbler

$250 – $499
Benefits: TCS Hat

Amelia Bedelia to $249

Questions and Answers

The Giving and Growing Fund is the cornerstone of the The Cooper School’s fundraising efforts. Gifts provide an immediate and direct benefit to each student and faculty member, while also enhancing the quality and range of all school programming. Your donation is a direct investment in the excellence and breadth of TCS’ academics, faculty development, financial aid, arts, and activities. All gifts made directly to the Fund are tax-deductible.

The three main limbs of the Fund aim to

  1. Grow School Offerings
  2. Grow Knowledge and Diversity -and-
  3. Grow Stability

New sports equipment and new extracurricular programming for students grow our school offerings. Support of tuition scholarships and professional development grow student diversity and faculty knowledge. Contributing to reserves enables us to plan for future expansion, and maintain stability.

The Cooper School needs the Giving and Growing Fund to consistently improve and advance its programming, offerings, and campus year-to-year. Tuition covers the cost of educating our students, but it does not cover all the costs associated with their school experience. The Giving and Growing Fund supports school initiatives, not covered by the cost of tuition, that directly impact our students.

Examples of your donation in action include supporting the cost of professional development conferences for teachers, new facility equipment and technology (such as a basketball goal or Smart Board), and program costs that go beyond the classroom (such as visiting guest experts and performances). Your donation impacts everything we do on our campus.

Tuition covers the daily deliverables closely tied to our curriculum while the Fund supports specific initiatives of improvement.

We encourage each family to make a meaningful gift commensurate with your family’s personal circumstances. Every gift is deeply valued and goes toward the excellent education provided for all Cooper School students.

There are several options available to you.

  • You may send a check payable to The Cooper School c/o Advancement, 13 Oakdale Place, Charleston SC 29407
  • You may donate online by clicking here.
  • To pay by credit card over the phone, please call Renee Bratton at 843-573-1033.
  • Set-up a recurring gift by clicking here.