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Hard Working Second Graders!

Nunavut Supermarket Search

Second graders had the task of going to a supermarket and finding specific items and comparing them to products sold in Nunavut. Students were shocked to see the price difference after comparing Charleston food store prices and Nunavut food prices! The goal was for students to learn and understand why this might be. The answer is that it is very hard to get food and produce to the Arctic circle. Second graders could not believe the prices of these foods. This is just another aspect of our Inuit study and learning all about their lives in the Arctic circle.

Illustrations have begun!

Second grade writers have edited and revised their nonfiction books and they are ready for illustration. Students’ books are now typed and they have begun working on creating beautiful pictures to complement their books. Illustrators are hard at work to finish their books and have them prepped for our upcoming presentation! They will also be sharing their nonfiction books with Kindergarten, hoping to teach them new information about their polar animals!

Measuring Fish!

Second grade mathematicians have discovered a new unit of measurement- inches! Students have been learning how to use a ruler to help them measure different items. They have also been using the tools in our classroom like inch tiles. Both are great ways to achieve an accurate measurement. Students are continuing to grow their knowledge of measurement and measuring fun fish and reptiles!

Important Dates:

Monday, October 30 – Polar Biome Inuit Study Presentation

Tuesday, October 31 – Halloween Carnival (11:30 dismissal)

Wednesday, November 1 – No School-Teacher Work Day