The Cooper School Daily

Teacher Spotlight- Rachael Celia

An interview with Rachael Celia…

1.     What do you do at The Cooper School and how long have you been here?

 I am the fifth grade teacher at TCS and this is my first year here! 

2.     What do you value about being at TCS?

I value the continuing opportunity to both share my passion for learning with others, and grow as a life-long learner. 

3.     What’s something you’ve learned teaching here?

Something that I’ve learned while teaching at The Cooper School is how to run a Morning Meeting. I love sitting down each morning with my class and learning a bit more about them!

4.     Which educator has influenced you the most in your life, and how?

 The educator that has influenced me the most was actually my own fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Skinner. She was very strict, but had such a special way about her that made you want to learn more. She showed me that just because I might not be interested in something at the time, I can still learn and grow in that area. 

5.     What do you look forward to in your role here (lesson, section, topic, etc.) each year?

 I love teaching math and sharing how surprising it can be! I love the enrichment and math challenges the most. 

6.     What is an example of your approach to dynamically balancing creative intelligence, self and social intelligence and academic mastery in your work at TCS?

One of my proudest moments while at TCS was watching my class while at Green River Preserve. Getting to see them grow and learn so much about each other and nature was so incredible. We combined teamwork, socialization, and exploration with learning facts about nature. I am so proud of their abilities. 

7.     If you could live in a book, what book would it be?

 If I could live in a book, it would be my favorite book, Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. This has always been one of my favorite books to read over and over again. I love Anne’s imagination and her adventures. Recently, I visited the setting that inspired L.M. Montgomery, Prince Edward Isle and it was absolutely amazing! 

8.     What’s something this community might not know about you?

Something that people might not know about me is how much I love classic brittish mysteries. I know everything about Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, and Jane Marple. I have read every Agatha Christie novel and short story, as well as seen all of the tv shows. It is a love shared by both my parents and has been cultivated throughout my life.