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Fun in 1st Grade !!!

Hunting for Nonfiction Text Features      

Students have loved taking a deep dive into nonfiction books this week! In pairs, our readers went on a scavenger hunt through their own nonfiction texts and identified as many features as they could. They were so excited to share all the text features they discovered!  

Math is Fun

First grade has been working hard on solving story problems and equations with missing addends this week! We loved working with partners to compare strategies to solve the same problem in different ways. We also had a blast playing Capture the Square, where students used dice to create different addition facts. They are becoming such fluent mathematicians!

Publishing Our First Stories 

First grade has been working hard on publishing their small moment (personal narrative) stories! Writers have learned all about the steps of the writing process and are making sure they are “writing for readers.”  We are checking closely for punctuation, capital letters, finger spacing, and making sure we write down all the sounds we hear in words. We were so excited to celebrate our hard work by reading our stories to our kindergarten reading buddies!

Important Dates: 

  • October 14th-15th – Fall Break (No School) 
  • October 22nd –  TCS Picture Day
  • October 23rd – 1st Grade Field Trip to Dock Street (Frog & Toad)
  • October 28th – LeAnn Gardner Presentation (5:30 pm)
  • October 30th – Insect Study Presentation
  • October 31st – Halloween Carnival (11:30 am Dismissal)