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Autumnal Equinox

Autumnal Equinox

In one of my science classes we were talking about the Autumnal Equinox, which is Saturday, September 23rd. An urban legend states that you can stand an egg up for a few minutes during both the spring and autumnal equinox. Contrary to belief, this is not true…check out the science here. However, this urban legend led me to think about the potency of communication and how what we say matters. A convincing message can be interpreted as fact, when in fact, it can be quite false. Messages our children receive from the internet, movies, social media, and even friends mold their opinions about the world around them and themselves. 

I am grateful to be in an environment everyday that brings misconceptions to light, encourages discussions about messages in the media, and has difficult conversations when friends may give a conflicting message that could be perceived as hurtful. I also will not be wasting an egg on Saturday ?


Here’s a look at what is happening in each of the classes:

What’s happening in Science?
Sixth graders explored radiation this week! They observed how solar angle impacts the weather and climate around the Earth. They experimented with flashlights and changed the angle of light energy on a surface to understand how the angle changes with latitude. Sixth grade students also compared the difference between convection and radiation, understanding how energy transfers in different ways. Lastly, the sixth graders experimented with soil, water, and air to see how the temperature of different substances is affected. By observing their model, they were able to imagine how radiation impacts various areas on our Earth. Next week, they will learn about conduction and how it can be observed in our everyday lives.

What’s up in ELA?

6th graders started their first writing unit this week, focusing on telling true, personal narrative stories. We discussed the art of ideation and brainstorming to produce a high volume of writings to choose from for future development. 6th graders also kick-started their vocabulary study with brand new workbooks to work on and study with over the next four weeks.

Next week, 6th grade will self-assess work, revise their story openings, and build writing stamina. They’ll experiment more with their writer’s notebook–viewing it as a ‘sketchbook’ to contain a variety of thoughts, brainstorms, images, inspirations, and drafts. 

What’s going on in Math?
This week, students analyzed ratios to compare two people’s speed, the taste of two recipes, and other situations. They also learned several different strategies to solve problems with ratios.

Next week, students will compare these strategies they’ve learned. On Tuesday, they will receive an optional study guide for their Mid-Unit Assessment (quiz) which they will take on Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, students will move into using ratios to scale buildings and compare units of measure.

What’s happening in Social Studies?

This week the students jumped into the Egyptian civilization. Students were presented information on Egyptian achievements and then challenged to test their capabilities of constructing pyramids. Students quickly realized how advanced the Egyptians were for their time. Students then finished the unit by discussing the relationship between the Egyptians and the Ancient Kush before beginning their research papers. 

Students will finish and turn in their research papers to close out this unit. Students will then progress into their new unit: Early Civilizations in India. Students will begin this unit by mastering the new vocabulary before diving into the Indus Valley Civilization.

Important Dates:

Saturday, September 23rd- Charleston Battery Family Fun Night
Tuesday, September 26th- Picture Day
Monday-Tuesday, October 9-10 Fall Break