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Third Grade News !!!


This week our scholars spent time perfecting their handwriting. Scholars worked hard using cursive with the letters C and D. Third graders also continued working on writing their names in cursive. Our scholars are becoming experts with cursive!!!   


Our Third Grade scholars have been loving our new science unit. This unit involves designing walls. Scholars have been able to play with sand, clay powder and soil. We have worked this week on determining what mixtures would be the best to make a wall that is stable. Third graders were able to test their solutions by mixing and testing them with a “wrecking ball”. We can’t wait to see what happens next as we test new theories with designing walls. 


Third graders enjoyed their second and final week of drama. Scholars got to enjoy different games with two new drama teachers. Students were able to sing and act out their favorite movie scenes with the class. We have loved getting to know all the different drama teachers, their drama skills and all what it takes to be an actor!

Important Dates:  

  • September 26th- Picture Day
  • September 29th- Middle School Information Session (8:15-9:00)
  • October 9th-10th – Fall Break (No School)