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Welcome To Third Grade !!!!

Welcome Back!  

We were ecstatic to have our scholars back at The Cooper School. Third Grade students eagerly jumped right into the first days of school. Our scholars spent a good part of each day making discoveries about their new classroom, practicing new and old classroom routines and procedures. Scholars drew a self-portrait, measured their classmates’ current height to compare at the end of the school year, and wrote a letter to their future selves. 

Everyone Loves BOO ! 

Third Graders spent time getting to know our class pet this week. Our classroom has a teddy bear hamster named Boo! Third Graders delighted in passing him around the classroom and watching him waddle around in his hamster ball. Scholars are so thrilled to have him and can’t wait to take him home on weekends and breaks.  

Important Dates:  

  • August 30 – Curriculum Night (5:30 pm – 6:30)
  • September  4th- Labor Day ( No School)