The Cooper School Daily

Rocking the Runway

Biome Fashion Show
This week, Kindergarteners wrapped up their largest project of this school year. Our presentation gave students the opportunity to show off all that they knew about biomes and clothing. Students were divided into different biome groups, challenged to study and learn about the flora and fauna, and then left to put together clothes that would be appropriate for the conditions. Kindergarteners showed off all of their hard work at our Biome Fashion Show, with the clothing they’ve designed, murals they’ve painted, and outfits they picked out. We loved getting to see Kindergarteners strut their stuff while loved ones cheered them on!

Our Timeline of Learning
Kindergarteners spent the week investigating the many ways they have grown since the beginning of the school year. Students were blown away when we pulled out their writing samples from our very first writing unit. Kindergarten writers spent time comparing their most recent piece of writing to the writing they did at the very beginning of the year and noticed all of the ways they have grown. They can’t wait to share their proud observations with you during their upcoming student led conferences!

Important Dates:
March 4th & 5th – Student-Led Conferences (11:30am Dismissal)
March 22nd – K, 3rd, & 6th Grade Artist of the Month (8:15-9:00am)
March 25th – April 1st – Spring Break (No School)