The Cooper School Daily


Student-Led Conferences
Kindergarteners knocked our socks off and blew our minds this week as they welcomed parents into our classroom to show them all of the learning that they have done this year in Kindergarten. We were so excited to watch as students proudly grabbed mom or dad by the hand to drag them around our classroom to teach a math game, show off their published How-To books, their completed biome projects, and to show off all of their hard work in their self-assessment folders! We loved getting to hear Kindergarteners sit down with their parents and share all of the ways that they have grown this year. Thank you all for sharing this magic with us!

Using Our Senses
This week, Kindergarteners relied on their five senses for inspiration in poetry. Students considered their many experiences with sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste to put some of their thoughts into words. We took moments to listen for sounds in nature, our classroom, as well as soundscapes of different places and environments. Kindergarteners left us inspired with the beautiful ways they experience our world!

New View! New Seats!
Can you believe that we have entered our third trimester of school? A Cooper School tradition is to get new seats in the classroom each trimester to gain a new perspective in their learning. Students were thrilled to enter the classroom and hunt for their new seats. Kindergarteners couldn’t wait to start adventures with new table partners!

Important Dates:
March 22nd – K, 3rd, & 6th Grade Artist of the Month (8:15-9:00 am)
March 25th – April 1st – Spring Break (No School)