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Special Second Week! 

Special Second Week! 

Fourth grade has had a wonderful second week settling into their new schedule for the year and establishing routines. With this new schedule comes new special area classes, and they are loving it! Spanish, library, choir and yoga have been a great addition to our schedule. P.E. was a class favorite as they got to play new games with our new P.E. teacher, Mr. Joseph.


This week, we have also embarked on our Human Body unit. In our first lesson in the outdoor classroom, students jumped rope to take note of what goes on in our bodies during movement. We also discussed how many bones we have, and what job they do for us during specific movements. Students then assembled their own “Mr. Bones” to learn more about where bones are in the human body and where they connect to each other.

Class Jobs

Fourth Graders take on the responsibility of taking care of our classroom and our community. Daily, students help take care of our environment both inside and outside. Students are in charge of keeping our classroom materials, library, and class pet clean and organized. They help take care of community spaces such as the silent zone and outdoor space as well. Feeling responsibility for our spaces helps students be more mindful about how we use them. 

Important Dates:

Wednesday, August 28 – Elementary Curriculum Night, parents only at 5:30

Monday, September 2 – Labor Day, No School

Saturday, September 7 – Charleston Battery Family Fun Night