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Spooky Season!

This past week, the TCS Middle Schoolers began planning for our beloved Halloween Carnival! 5th graders started arranging and delegating decoration plans, 6th and 7th graders chose and started designing their booths, and 8th grade set out to draft plans for their signature haunted maze. Growing up in the midwest, Halloween wasn’t as widely appreciated as it is here in Charleston – and so it’s fascinating to me to see how much this community appreciates and celebrates this eerie holiday. 

I want to encourage our students to approach their lives in the same way they have approached this spooky season – tackling the scary things. Whether it’s a test, an application for high school, a big game, or even a chore they don’t love, my wish is that they’ll take ownership of, plan for, and execute these tasks in the same way they’ve dived into their tasks for this Halloween Carnival. Spooky season is a time to honor our bravery, fearlessness, and determination!



This week, we reviewed and applied our knowledge of speeds, unit rates, and percentages before taking our test on Tuesday. Next week, we’ll begin our third unit of study on fractions and decimals by noticing patterns with zeros. I’m excited for this unit as it builds on these skills we focused heavily on in 5th grade!


This week, 6th grade storytellers published and shared their personal narratives. They were full of figurative language, powerful personal memories, and vivid dialogue! We also studied hard for our first vocabulary test.

After fall break, 6th grade starts a new reading unit that studies social dynamics and relationships in literature. We will use When You Reach Me as our class text so be sure to bring it in next week! 6th grade also gets back to grammar for two weeks with a test on 10/24. 

Social Studies:

We have been continuing to work on ancient Egypt and I really enjoyed their group projects in which they created a life sized poster on an ancient God. We have worked on mummification as well as learning about the importance of the Nile river. We will continue working in Egypt by learning about the famous buildings and Pharaohs. This will lead into their next project of creating a small scale version of an ancient building.


This week, sixth graders explored density! They were given a challenge to layer different liquids, based on their density. They learned how to calculate density using mass and volume. The sixth graders also continued to work on their climate change Ted Talks. They have been working diligently on their presentations. Keep your eye out for the date of their presentations.

Important Dates:

October 14 & 15: Fall Break- No School 

October 28: LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation (5:30)

October 31: Halloween Carnival (11:30 Dismissal)

November 1: Teacher Work Day (No Students)

November 11&12: Parent Teacher Conferences

November 22: Harvest Feast

November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break