The Cooper School Daily

Myths, Measurements, & Many Valentines

Bake Sale, Book Fair, Bingo!

This jam-packed week chugged along with the Valentine’s Day’s Bake Sale, Book Fair, and Bingo celebration. Our 4th graders got to pass out their valentines and read their compliment books before heading outside to enjoy the lovely festivities. They were most excited for books and treats, but a little bingo goes a long way!


As they continue reading about the many different myths, 4th graders have learned the difference between a pourquoi myth, which explains a naturalistic element, and a cautionary tale, which teaches a lesson. During their reading time, the students have gotten really good at identifying the difference and providing evidence to back up their claim.


4th grade continues on with measurements this week as well. They’ve learned metric length, weight, and capacity, as well as the imperial inches and feet. Our mathematicians have begun to master the ever-confusing multi-step word problems, and are building upon the foundations of division!

Important Dates:

February 19-20 – February Break (no school)

March 4-5 – Self-Assessment Conferences (½ Days)

March 25-April 1 – Spring Break