The Cooper School Daily

Birds! Birds! Birds!

Illustrating Bird Comics

Second graders have been incorporating birds into all aspects of their classroom lives. This week students began planning and writing bird comics. They began by writing their stories and including important details about the bird encounter. Next, the comic planning stage. Students sketch out their pictures and write a few sentences explaining their pictures. On the final stage, students drew pictures and speech bubbles to clearly explain the bird story they wrote.

Picture Frames

Wrapping up our glue study this week, students created their final glue recipe. With their recipes they assembled picture frames using popsicle sticks. It was so exciting to see students create their own glue and be able to use it to adhere things together! After their picture frame dried, students drew bird pictures to be displayed in the frame. Second grade frames are hanging up on the wall of our classroom for students to admire. 

Teaching About Birds

Second grade students became experts on beaks. Using their research skills, students partnered up and began reading about the beak they were assigned. After they collected important information about their beak they were ready to present to the class. Students taught their classmates about the beaks they researched to share all the important information about different birds and why they have beaks!

Important Information:

April 24th: Spring Choir Concert- 1:45pm @ Scottish Rite

April 27th: Spring Auction and Gala- 6pm @ Founder’s Hall